Winnie Tan - Writer

Hi. My name is Winnie.

I am a freelance writer based in Tokyo, and I write articles on travel, lifestyle, Japanese culture, and more!

My work has been featured on: Lonely Planet, JR Times Singapore, Metropolis, and other reputable publications, both online and in print.

What I Do



My passion lies in storytelling, and I write compelling, easy-to-digest articles freelance. My first few works online were for a campus magazine while I was a student, but my articles have since been featured on Lonely Planet, Metropolis Japan, and more. Meanwhile, I have ghostwritten dozens of articles for clients’ websites, mostly centred around the topic of Japan, travel, and Japanese culture.




A lot of my freelance work involves editing and proofreading. I take existing content and make it engaging for the reader, while optimising it for search engines (SEO).






Get in Touch

Got a question? Want to collaborate? Fill out the form below and I’ll get back to you very soon!